Laudato Si'
You can read Laudato Si' in several languages online Laudato Si' link
You can read Laudato Si' in several languages online Laudato Si' link
In 2021 the catholic diocese of Brentwood issued an invitation, read more about it here. Brentwood link
A movement and a website dedicated to seeing the Laudato Si' ethos come alive in every parish and community. The journey to 2030 link
Read this inspirational book, perhaps buy a second hand copy or loan it from a friend! The Future we Choose book
Visit this website, lots to read and you can sign up for a regular newsletter Laudato Si' Movement
Find some prayers from CAFOD here: CAFOD prayers
Listen and sing along with the resolution song. Resolution Song
Work with other locals as part of The Conservation Volunteers TCV
Email Ann Marie for more details. All are welcome!